The emissary of Lord Bo Tien descended through the late Senior Brother Philip on the 13th day of the 9th lunar month of 1978. This was the 10th anniversary message.
In previous anniversary messages, He had encouraged society and members alike in their spiritual and group endeavours to be unified in collective effort and bonded like the many different elements and components that made up the concrete pillar. The components are different and not identical. But together they make up the concreteness of the pillar. Religions and sects may differ and appear poles apart like fire and water. Fire and water are two essential and at times opposing elements of nature - rain and sunshine. But they can act concertedly and synergistically by being complementary and augmentative, so as to be the concrete pillar to save souls in the world.
He expressed further." Cooperation, commitment and oneness of hearts are worthwhile and fruitful. This is in keeping with divine directions. The success of tonight's 10th anniversary exemplifies this cooperation amongst members. The collective efforts can generate and had generated wholesome outcome. They enable the limited numbers to help the numerous needy in the wider society. Members had even congregated tonight in the same colored garments. The oneness of purpose and actions contrast with the diverse background of members. This stands out as noteworthy reminder of oneness in diversity. It had colored tonight's congregation. Though coming from all walks of life, the members are one as they kneel down in one color and devotion. This oneness to invite the lordship for the anniversary is notable" (and inner truth netizen adds that this is good reminder of the one purpose of all religions and sects to save souls despite their differing approaches. This is the inner truth behind all religions. On the surface and outwardly, religions and sects may apparently be different but the inner truth is that they don the same color of intent to save souls.)
The emissary then requested for the image of the Lord Saint to be brought down to the table before Him. Pointing His fingers to the oil lamp and the image, He said. "The oil lamp represents you and the image represents the lord."
(The image depicts the doctrine. The doctrine of truth is what all need to know of from heavenly saints like Lord Bo Tien and not who they are or their personal history. There is pristine inner truth behind life. This inner peace can only be there if there is balance of the yin and yang contingencies or conditions of sentient life, as represented by the feet of the lord saint balancing and in control of the two figurines. We should neither deny nor be subject to the throes, the 'push' and 'pull' of worldly contingencies of yin and yang - polar opposites like gain loss, happiness sorrow, honour dishonour, birth death, ups and downs etc. This inner peace is the inner or ultimate truth behind the thrusts or expressed approaches of all religions. Religions differ in approaches and styles. They have to employ varied and at times differing ways to secure the attention of as many beings lost and engulfed by the yin yang swirls of the sentient world. The oil lamp represents men in the mission and their role to enlighten all on the inner truth behind life that the image portrays. Men must be the oil to keep the light of the mission alive and vissible. The mission is not to convert but to enable all to be better in having divine peace regardless of their religious and cultural environment)
While repeating and reiterating His earlier observation that members kneeling before Him were wearing the same uniform and were in unison in prayer when inviting Him into the shrine, He asked " Why must it only be on this occasion?" He remarked that the image was at the Temple throughout the 365 days. Yet His presence was not felt at all and many are oblivious of what the image stands for . This He said is due to members not being strongly rooted in doctrine. Doctrine has yet to color the daily life of members. "The doctrine is portrayed in the lord's image and the image is the doctrine." He urged all to understand the doctrine and they would then understand the Lord Saint.
"He who sees and knows the doctrine knows and sees the lord. He who does not see and know the doctrine does not see the lord even if the lord is present with him all the time."
"God almighty the Jade Emperor has decreed the setting up of the temple and the mission. The mission is the mission by Heaven for man and not by man for man"
The mission is to instill grasp of doctrine of the Inner Truth behind religions. This will rejuvenate the religious thought and fervour of the pioneers. Should one generation fail to fulfil the mission, "the image of lord saint will be lifted up to Heaven." The next generations and perhaps many generations to come would fulfill it. This would go on until the day when it would succeed.
"The Lord Saint's mission is like that of a contractor of a building project. Come rain or shine, the contractor has to employ workers to complete the building in good time. If the workers fail to deliver, new workers would be recruited until the project is completed. "
In another illustration, the mission is likened to "the nurturing of a plant when its stems and branches were attacked or infested by pests. Constant nurturing and watering of the diseased plant would bring forth new shoots and new life to the plant. If nurtured, the plant of the mission will grow healthy new shoots and be lively. "
In another scenario, "if the stems of the plant were completely destroyed by pests but the roots still remain, a new plant would emerge if there are sufficient water and nurturing." The mission is like the plant. It can be carried to completion by having new stems so long as the roots remain. The Lord Saint can carry on the mission with new initiatives so long the mission (plant) has a few faithful members to be roots to bring in significant others to be new stems of mission for the mission to be effected.
The emissary then reminded that the Image, the Doctrine of Inner Truth and the Temple would spread far and wide as Lord Bo Tien is the CHOR CHOO - Hokkien for a deity or heavenly saint empowered by God Almighty to carry out the Mission of Heaven. No obstacles are too daunting to be resolved by his lordship. Lord Bo Tien will make things happen. Men should not doubt but do their part however small this may seem. Heaven will take the lead for men to follow and contribute towards the mission.
(Inner Truth Doctrine is also Four Pillars Doctrine. Religions are the pillars in the house or temple of God with the sky and heaven as roof. Men and beings are housed in the temple and its compound. Lord Bo Tien is not here to start a new religion or sect but to explain the oneness and same inner truth behind all religions. He will rejuvenate religious thought and fervour in all regardless of religious affiliation. This is so that all can learn how to have inner peace in life, that is, heaven here and now and not in the distant future. We can have this heavenly inner peace NOW by balancing and being on top of yin and yang but not denial or avoiding of yin and yang contingencies e.g. gain loss, honour dishonour, praise blame etc. We do not wait for heaven in next life. We live the heaven here and now. We yearn not for the horizon or paradise. The pillars of the mission are the religions all over the world in the four directions --hence term Four Pillar Doctrine is alternative term for Inner Truth Doctrine. More religions enable a wider coverage, a wider net to be cast in all the cardinal directions to meet varying needs and to save more souls. There is oneness of Heaven and GOD behind and across all religions but there is yet to be oneness of men. Man is not perfect and need divine hand and grace so that we will be rewarded for whatever good we have and are capable of further doing. By divine grace, we will not meet fate based on whatever not good we do surely have in some way or other. Thank GOD that God and saints are not like men, don't you agree? Cheers for all men. Praise be God and all saints.)
"The welfare activities like aged home foster charity, are wholesome and are in line with the wish and direction of Heaven. But the Mission of God is more than that. The mission is to spread the Doctrine of Inner Truth. behind all religions."
(Inner Truth netizen reminds that Lord Bo Tien often reiterated that His role is not to start a new religion but to invigorate the original religious fervour and thought in all irrespective of their religious affiliation or even if none)
"What is lacking often is grounding in the doctrine in members of any temple or spiritual group. For any temple, good results will always be there for good efforts made but members are often lacking in grounding in doctrine. Because of this, many may come to a temple or religious premise with personal motives. Some have self interests, others to gain higher status in society but there are those who are not expecting any returns. It is important therefore to be strong in doctrine and its practice" (We should go to such places to learn the doctrine, make it the basis of our life and to purify our spirit. Our sole objective must be spiritual. With spiritual drive, the worldly blessings will then be there to provide the congenial environment for divine inner peace which in turn fosters more ample mundane world for more inner peace. Our objective should never be primarily our mundane worldly concerns with spiritual and Divine Doctrine of Inner Truth taking back seats. Lord Bo Tien has said that the modus operandi that yields spiritual satisfaction will bear results too in mundane world. But the ways for mundance world often will usually not be the ways for spiritual satisfaction that sages refer to as inner peace.)
(Inner truth netizen elaborates that there is more to be considered from another perspective. Ideally, followers would naturally adopt more holistic approach rather than trying to serve less worthwhile agenda which are not exactly wrong or right. These less worthwhile agenda would include personal agenda and getting into the good books of others be they saints or men. They merely reflect the nature of men and the imperfection of men who are yet to be enlightened. The heavenly saints understand, are empathetic and will go along till such times when men and sentient beings are more grounded in doctrine and can fare better. They, the saints, are not persecutory and do not ridicule and frown. This is evidence of the width and depth of tolerance and compassion of Heaven. Errant leaders in spiritual groups will be considered as back sliders or even wolves in sheep's clothing by fellow men but not by heavenly saints. This is singular great difference between saints and men. Man is man and saint is saint. Man is judgemental, much less tolerant and tends to be persecutory, don't you agree? But man can learn and in time be saint. Do give credit to the capability of man. Saints do so all the time and never give up hope with men and all beings even those in pits of hell and swept away by crimes and passions. Cheers once again. Do ever rejoice in the grace and compassion of Heaven so divine and infinite. Lord Bo Tien is a divine messenger of this magnificence of GOD and all heaven. PS Do note that we are not written off because of the not right that we do, this does not mean we can do the not right with impunity. On the contrary, we must face the consequences of our actions especially those done consciously. We should have insight, admit our flaws, face reality and improve. Taking such a stance is doing good and will reap good outcome. It is likely that the bad outcome of our past flaws may have less opportunity to take effect, be averted somewhat or at least, be ameliorated both by pureness of our positive stance and by the showers of approval by the saints. This is not 'forgiveness' but for many, the term is used loosely. But so long as we see and think clearly, it is acceptable, by convention, to use the term 'forgiveness' but the word can convey fear and guilt. This, brethren, is contrary to the way of God and saints. Guilt and fear can cause restlessness and hamper cultivation of inner peace of our spirit.)
inner truth netizen
NB This blog posting like all other blog postings dwells on the inner truth behind life as re-elucidated by the lord saint Lord Bo Tien. They do not represent and reflect the official views of any organisation or sub-group but the perspectives of inner truth netizen, Singapore based on the inner truth concept. The perspectives though may overlap significantly with that of one or more of many organisations or sub-groups. In addition, they are also not primarily meant to focus on or be portrayal of doctrines and teachings of any one or more of the various specific religions or sects
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